Orlando, FL (goprojectoutreach.com) - The Soulful Hiphop Sound of new and upcoming artist will jam, rock and leave an imprint in the entertainment industry local and from state to state. You don't want to miss out! The Urban Jam makes it posible for new artist to make an impact on Hip-hop fans, gain professional status, and begin recording an album or demo. Hip-hop artist will be able to compete for the Ultimate Urban Jam Package. This package is specifically designed to jumpstart the career of the upcoming artist and draw new talent to the table. The Ultimate Package includes but is not limited to: *Guaranteed Radio play for the winner *Free studio Time *Live Recording of Performance/Mini music video (any 3 different locations/with editing for DVD and/or formatted for television) *Photography & Posters for promotion *Ultimate Urban Jam Trophy Competition open to all entrants over the age of 18 and whose submissions has been accepted and approved for performing. Space is limited. For Contestant rules go to; www.goprojectoutreach.com. All rules and guidelines must be adhered to or as a result may lead to disqualification of the contestant. Winners are decided by Urban Jam Judges. Judges are selected by Project Outreach and are active in the Media/Entertainment Industry. Such as; Radio, Organizers, Recording Studios, Community, Etc. This event is brought to you mainly by: Project Outreach and ProjectPlayFilms Project Outreach is making moves other than music. This event will also benefit Families in need of assistance and/or Individuals and Youth in trouble. "Seeing everyone from right here in our own cities and Out of State come together to make this event a success only proves that the Urban and Hip-hop community is also a big part of Today's Society that wants to do something positive through music and the talents we so often take for granted", says the Founder of Project Outreach, Dee Hall. "We encourage underground artist to come out and be apart". The organization has become known by many and is continuing to grow and offer assistance in a variety of forms. The Company counts on the help of others and often puts on productions which includes Music events, Plays and short Independant Films, Motivational speaking, and other functions to raise funds to support those less fortunate. This is one of the many events that will help. To learn more about this organization, visit www.goprojectoutreach.com. The Event department of Project Outreach is known as ProjectPlayFilms or PPF. This part of the organization is specificaly looking for a mixture of urban-savvy tracks from talent commands instant attention. the Urban Jam will launch a Hip-Hop Invasion in an industry where everyone is fighting to gain ground and be noticed. Don't be the last to discover the next movement in live music and true Hip-hop. Don't miss it and miss out! The Urban Jam will kick off at 10PM at The "DoubleTree Hotel" 5780 Major Boulevard across from Universal Studios In Orlando,Florida 32819. Ten dollars at the door gets you in. And you'll be jaming Urban style and doing your part to help families in need. Listen out for free tickets and more information on the popular Hip-Hop Radio Station 102 Jams in Orlando and Maitland, Florida. True Talent Represent! 1-888-330-3319