NEW YORK (Billboard) - While known for their eclectic and often downright goofy songs, They Might Be Giants takes a stab at sincerity on the forthcoming album "Mink Car," due Sept. 11 via Restless Records. Such a statement should not deter longtime fans of the band, as there's plenty of the trademark wit for which John Flansburgh and John Linnell are known laced through a collection of songs inspired by a typically wide range of influences. Several of the songs on the set have been part of TMBG's live act for some time ("I've Got a Fang," " Older") or heard in previous incarnations through Internet-only releases, or via the band's online EMusic subscription service ("Cyclops Rock," "Working Undercover For The Man"). However, a substantial amount of new ideas grace "Mink Car." Most surprising may be "Another First Kiss," a straightforward ballad sung by Flansburgh with no expected tongue-in-cheek twists. "Mink Car" is TMBG's first studio album in five years, and the group's first for Restless.