ATLANTA, GA. (17.20 Records) - Atlanta's newest and most diverse record label, 17.20 Records, prepares for the exclusive digital release of C-SIDE's 'myspace.freak' with an impressive digital strategy plan that raises the bar for independent record labels. 'myspace.freak,' featuring Atlanta's hit producer, Jazze Pha, is C-SIDE's clever answer to the phenomenon of MySpace. MySpace has become one of the most popular young adult websites on the Internet, with over 47 million members who, like C-SIDE themselves, have joined in on the craze. 'This single provides us with the opportunity to service and promote a digital record to a digitally ravenous community of music lovers,' states Terry K. Johnson, President/CEO 17.20 Records. 'C-SIDE has truly delivered a record that will become the anthem to the obsession.' 17.20 Records has collaborated with Real Hip Hop www.realhiphop.com to launch 'myspace.freak' through a variety of online and mobile content outlets. The single will be featured on Sony's online music commerce website www.sonyconnect.com; Sony's PSP website; and will have an exclusive feature on the iTunes website December 5 through December 12. Ringtone and wallpaper placements have been secured with all major mobile carriers with exclusive on-deck positioning already on Alltel, Cricket, Metro PCS and US Cellular. 17.20 Records has partnered with Intent Media Works (named best New Digital Technology of 2006 at The Digital Music Conference) for P2P distribution for 'myspace.freak' audio and video content. An aggressive online ad campaign for 'myspace.freak' has also been scheduled targeting C-SIDE's core hip-hop and MySpace fan base. 'The explosive new media field is rapidly changing the business model for releasing music,' states Johnson. 'This new model has afforded us the opportunity to be on the same playing field as the majors. We are committed to ensuring that all of our acts are released with a strong digital foundation and powerful strategic online partnerships to help us achieve our planned success. C-SIDE's record answers the call and is providing 17.20 Records with the launching pad to becoming the new media leader in the music business.' For more information on C-SIDE, visit www.csideonline.com or www.myspace.com/csideonline