BRUSSELLS, Belgium (European Broadcasting Union) - Over 240 new European bands will be performing at the annual Noorderslagweekend in Groningen, The Netherlands (11 - 13 January 2007). Consisting of the EuroSonic and Noorderslag festivals and the Noorderslag Seminar business conference, Noorderslag Weekend features its biggest program ever, with full scale support from European Broadcasting Union radio stations and the presence of all significant players from the European live music industry. Noorderslag Seminar features a debate on the
Future of
Music Radio, with
George Ergatoudis, Head Of
Music of BBC
Radio One, and interview with IMMF chairman
Peter Jenner (former Pink Ployd manager) and a 'Future Of Music' keynote by music futurist Gerd Leonhard.
Noorderslagweekend is praised for the possibilities the festival has opened up for bands performing, often resulting in international recognition and attention. First and foremost, the festival is the best way to experience new bands and new music from Europe. The program is supported by the European Broadcasting Union radio stations: over 20 European radio stations are expected to broadcast shows from the Noorderslag Weekend 2007. Live broadcasts are now confirmed for 3fm (NL), Studio Brussels (B), Eins Live (D) and DR (DK). Other media partners supporting the EuroSonic program include Intro (D), Visions (D), Muz (I), Go Mag (E), Mondo Sonoro (E) and NME.com (UK).
Focus on Italy This year's Noorderslag Weekend features a special focus on Italy, organised in co-operation with the Italian Embassy, Foundation Arezzo Wave Italia and RAI Radio 2. Apart from several Italian acts showcasing, Noorderslag Seminar also features an Italian music industry presentation and a panel on the ins & outs of doing business with Italy.
Noorderslag Seminar: Future of Radio Noorderslag Seminar takes place during the days of the festivals and is the prime matchmaking and networking platform in the European live music industry. With a new 'festival lounge' and externded networking facilities at the conference, Noorderslag Seminar also stages a large number of panels and meetings on a variety of topics concerning the music industry. 'The Future of Music Radio' features George Ergatoudis, Head Of Music of BBC Radio One and debates future business models, threats and opportunities, visions, myths and facts & figures for music radio in today's online world.
Other seminar items are an interview with Peter Jenner (former Pink Floyd manager and chairman of the IMMF), a Future of Music keynote by Gerd Leonard and panels on Booking A Tour - Live On Stage, Games and Music, Doing (New) Business and The Role of Independent Labels. ELMF presents International Artist Tax issues by Dick Molenaar (nl). Also, the seminar features a special meeting for festival marketing professionals. Also, the IMMF (International Music Managers Forum) will have it's annual meeting at Noorderslag Seminar, while Yourope (the European festival platform) and Network Europe (the European conglomerate of independent live music bookers, promoters and agents) all get together at Noorderslag Seminar. More meetings and panels to be announced.
Live music At night bands and artists will be frantically taking the stages in Groningen. EuroSonic takes place on 11 and 12 January in 30 venues in Groningen city centre while Noorderslag takes place on 13 January on seven stages in De Oosterpoort venue in Groningen.
Confirmed now are 120 days (N), 16 Bit Lolita's (NL), 2000 and One (NL), a balladeer (NL), A Silent Express (NL), A State of Mind (GB), About (NL), Adept (NL), Air Traffic (GB), Alamo Race Track (NL), Alex Neri (I), Alice Rose (DK), Alternosfera (MD), Anna Ternheim (S), The Answer (GB), Antwerp Gipsy-Ska Orkestra (B), The Architect (NL), Aux Raus (NL), Awkward (NL), The Barrots (NL), Ben Ottewell (GB), Billie King (B), Bizzey (NL), Bloodpit (FIN), The Bloody Honkies (NL), Blue Grass Boogiemen (NL), Boris (NL), BrainStorm (LV), Breed 77 (GB), Broken Beats The (DK), Buraka Som Sistema (P), C64 Orchestra (NL), Charly & Gallus (NL), The Cheaters (N), Click Click Decker (D), C-mon & Kypski (NL), Coparck (NL), D-2 (BG), Daan (B), Das Pop (B), Das Wanderlust (GB), Datarock (N), Dave Clarke (GB), De L'Ooze(NL), De Nieuwe Blijdschap (NL), De Nieuwe Vrolijkheid (NL), Dead Combo (P), Delain (NL), The Delilahs (CH), Dennis (NL), Denvis & The Real Deal (NL), dHuez (NL), Dicecream (NL), Digitalism (D), Dirty Love Letters (NL), Disco Drive (I), Do-The-Undo (NL), Duke Special (IRL), Dúné (DK), El Pino & The Volunteers (NL), The Elizabeth Knowhow (NL), Enter Shikari (GB), Ephel Duath (I), Fancy (F), Feadz DJ (F), Feverdream (NL), Film (GR), Finn. (D), Five O'Clock Heroes (GB), Flux (NL), Gabriel Rios (B), The Girls (GB), The Girls (NL), Goose (B), Green Hornet (NL), Hasselhoff (NL), Hello Saferide (S), Hormonauts The (I), Hospital Bombers (NL), Hot Club de Paris (GB), Hot Gossip (I), House of Games (EST), Humanzi (IRL), Illicit (NL), Ilse De Lange (NL), Instil (NL), Islaja (FIN), Ivo Bic (SK), Jagged Soul (NL), James Yorkston (GB), Jazzinho (P), The Je Ne Sais Quoi (S), Jiggy Dje (NL), Joakim (FIN), Johan (NL), Johnossi (S), Joy Denalane (D), Julie Feeney (IRL), Julie's Haircut (I), Kempi (NL), Keynote Speakers (NL), The Killimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble (NL), Killteam (NL), Kouwemakkers (NL), Kraak en Smaak (NL), Krause (NL), Krazy Baldhead (F), Kubus (NL), La Caution (F), La Melodia (NL), Lapko (FIN), Larrikin Love (GB), Leningrad (RU), Les Enfants Terribble (NL), Linea 77 (I), Lo-Fi- Fnk (S), Loney Dear (S), Luca Bacchetti (I), Lucky Fonz II (NL), Luie Hond (NL), Lunik (CH), The Magic Numbers (GB), Malle Pietje and the Bimbos (NL), Mama's Homemade Dress (NL), Mark August (NL), Marlene Kuntz (I), Matik (NL), Mau Mau (I), Mehdi DJ (F), Members of Marvelas (B), Metro (L), The Mighty 8 (NL), Mine (NL), Minimono (I), Mo & Grazz (B), Monstertux (NL), Montevideo (B), Mr. T-Bone and the Young Lions (I), Mumm-Ra (GB), Navel (CH), Neo (HU), Nina (NL), Noisia (NL), Oh No Ono (DK), Ozark Henry (B), Pale (D), Patrick Wolf (GB), Peter von Poehl (F), Peter Bjorn & John (S), Petur Ben (IS), Phil Martin Presents Socialized Jazzbeats (NL), Piet van Dongen (NL), Planningtorock (D), Please The Trees (CZ), Poni Hoax (F), Postman (NL), Psyke Project The (DK), Reverend and the Makers (GB), Reykjavik (IS), Rik Kaez (NL), Room Eleven (NL), Roosbeef (NL), Rubik (FIN), Salah Edin (NL), Salem Al Fakir (S), Sebastian (F), Shit Disco (GB), Sirqus Alfon (S), Sonothèque (I), Sounds Like Violence (S), The Staggers (AT), Standard (E), Stonegard (N), Struttin' - with Lefties Soul Connection (NL), Stuck in the Sound (F), Styrofoam (B), Sud Sound System and Bag a Riddim (I), The Sunshine Underground (GB), Super Elastic Bubble Plastic (I), Swains The (NL), Swamp Nouveau (NL), Sweet Coffee (NL), Taxi to the ocean (NL), Textures (NL), Them Apples (NL), Tomte (D), Tunng (GB), Tying Tiffany (I), Typhoon (NL), Uffie (F), Une (NL), U-niq (NL), Van Velzen (NL), Velojet (AT), View The (GB), Voltaire (PL), Vox Von Braun (NL), Warren Fellow (NL), William White & The Emergency (CH), Winne (NL), Yo Yo Mundi (I), The Young Knives (GB), The Zico Chain (GB), Zu (I) and zZz (NL)
ETEP: European Talent Exchange Program Aimed at stimulating the careers of European artists, the European Talent Exchange Program (ETEP) is a unique co-operation of 51 festivals, 24 EBU national radio stations, the European Music Office (EMO) and the international festival organisation Yourope. Between 2003 and 2006, ETEP has been instrumental in staging close to 400 festival shows by 110 artists from 15 countries. Some of the acts booked at EuroSonic that did remarkably well at the ETEP festivals in 2006: Disco Ensemble (FIN), Editors (GB), Infadels (GB), GEM (NL), Jose Gonzales (S), Rhesus (F), The Kooks (GB), Wir Sind Helden (D), Within Temptation (NL). Selection for ETEP takes place during the Noorderslag Weekend out of the artists performing there, by the ETEP festivals booking teams themselves.