NEW YORK (RUN DMC Fans Website/NY Post) - Investigators into the death of Run-DMC DJ, Jason 'Jam Master Jay' Mizell may have broken the case according to the New York Post. Police believe a $30,000 drug deal gone wrong in California about eight years ago sparked a feud that led to Mizell's October 30th murder. Apparently, Mizell and Curtis Scoon--who's the prime suspect in the investigation--pooled together $15,000 to buy some cocaine, but neither one got the drugs. Investigators claim the dealers who ripped the pair off were associates of Mizell and when Scoon asked the DJ to repay his losses, he refused. Police believe Scoon hired a hit man the night Jason Mizell was killed. Police say Scoon, who held an eight-year grudge against Mizell, recently made threatening phone calls to the DJ. Mizell also had his own financial troubles. owing the government hundreds of thousands of dollars in back taxes.