Southfield, Mich. (Detroit News) - An automobile dealership is offering a find for Eminem fans: a chance to buy a Chevrolet Camaro he once owned. George Glassman of the Glassman Automotive Group said the rapper, whose real name is Marshall Mathers, came in with his 17-year-old brother and left with a silver 2003 Hyundai Sonata GLS Eminem left behind a trade-in - a red 1995 Camaro - the Detroit News reported. With Eminem's permission, Glassman said, the dealership posted the car on EBay. A portion of the sale price will be donated to the Marshall Mathers Foundation, which helps troubled kids. The six-cylinder automatic, listed as "Eminems (Marshall Mathers) 95 camaro," has a Kelley Blue Book value of about $4,700 US, not counting its chrome rims. By Friday afternoon, the top bid on EBay was $10,200, which did not meet the undisclosed reserve price.
The listing states that documentation is on file to prove that Eminem once owned the car