NASHVILLE, TN (www.shilohtheband.com) - Before they could even hit the stage for their July line-up at the world famous Wildhorse Saloon in Nashville,
Shiloh announced their return and upcoming tour dates that includes the Backstreet Boys, Blue County, and
Jessica Simpson.
Shiloh recently performed at the Wildhorse Saloon during the week of July 26th. However, patrons and fans are excited to hear that Shiloh has agreed to return for the last week in August. 'I just can't get enough of them,' states Andrea Michaels.
Shiloh had great fun one of the five nights, when they brought their fans right up on the stage with them to dance and sing. About 10 people had the chance of a lifetime as they performed right along side their favorite Shiloh band member. The crowd was so eager to participate that the air was filled with electricity.
Demonstrating their unbridled talent, Shiloh took to the stage with a vigor that got the house rocking within minutes. The band's dynamic ability to bring the audience into their shows makes the Shiloh experience a thrill ride. When watching this 5-band member group, it quickly becomes apparent as to why they are fast becoming the hottest country group in America.
Each member of the well-orchestrated band have the ability to carry their own songs. Each brings a musical talent that could make them a star in their own right. What is very impressive about this band is that they truly enjoy the other's abilities and talent.
Fans returned night after night to see the guys perform some of their best hits mixed with some country favorites. 'The Wildhorse is an awesome venue with a great sound system. Plus, tourist checking out the major Nashville attraction. So, for us it's just another great opportunity to reach out to some new folks and introduce them to Shiloh. Everyone is a winner,' declares Brian White, before going on stage for the third night.
'We love playing to fans. They support us and we want to show them our appreciation every chance we get,' states Joe Zampelli. Shiloh does just that. After performing for hours at a time, they make sure to get out and meet their fans. Unlike many of today's music groups, Shiloh offers a free group photo to fans so they can get the band member's autographs. As long as there are fans in line, and they have the strength to stand, Shiloh band members take time to meet them. 'To actually meet Carson was the thrill of my night,' chimes new Shiloh fan Debbie Moore. 'I remember watching him on the [new Mickey Mouse Club.'
The band's dynamic ability to bring the audience into their shows makes the Shiloh experience a great time for just about anyone. For the past year, Shiloh has been playing in venues all across America. Shiloh took part in this year's Detroit Hoedown and the celebrated CMA Music Festival (formerly known as FanFair) in Nashville.
Shiloh plans on another run at the Wildhorse Saloon August 24th through the 28th. The shows are expected to bring in more fans, some flying in from Los Angeles. After that they head back to Southern California to participate in the 'For The Love of Children 3: A Tribute To Heroes' charity event. Performing along with Shiloh is Blue County, The Backstreet Boys, and Jessica Simpson. The show begins at 1:00 P.M. on September 11, 2004 and will be held at the Dome at the Queen Mary in Long Beach. For tickets and information, visit www.fortheloveofchildren.org/tickets
"We love playing for our fans and are always astounded that we are having so much success without being a part of a record label yet," states White. The band is having a hard time keeping up with the CD sales and often sell out at each night's performance. Other merchandise like shirts and hats are going just as fast. The Wildhorse has been filled to jam-packed audiences almost every night.