NEW YORK (Amy Schugar/ www.synergydistribution.com) - Late in August Doug Stapp and Amy Schugar made it official. Doug Stapp and Amy Schugar decided to for a new Amy Schugar album, due out at the end of the year, perhaps as early as November. Labels options are at this time still being explored.
The record/CD will be recorded at
Nomad studios. More information can be obtained by contacting Doug Stapp at
[email protected] or Amyschugar.com
Or email Amy at:
[email protected] The line up for the players on the album is as follows:
Doug Stapp - Guitars
Current Label - Progressive Arts Music
Albums - Static (2002 ZOINK!!! Records)
S/T (2004 Progressive Arts Music) Released Late Sept.
Cheap Trick Tribute Album "Dream Tonite" (2004 Shark Bite Records)
Various production and guest appearances (2002-2004 various labels)
Endoresments - EKG Guitar (Doug Stapp Signiture Series Rg
Style and Telecaster),
Voodoo Amps, Laney Amplification,
Website - www.DougStapp.Com
Rob Stankiewicz - Drums
Current Label - M Records
Albums - Hajis Kitchen - S/T (Shrapnel Records)
Hajis Kitchen - Sucker Punch (M Records)
Scott Stine - (Shrapnel Records)
Derek Taylor- Dystrophy (Shrapnel Records)
Crimeny - Peat (Shrapnel Records)
Rob Balducci (Favored Nations Records)
Lots Of Various!
Endorsements - Attack Drum Heads, Vic Firth Sticks
Website - www.HajisKitchen.Com
Prince - Bass
Current Label - None
Albums - Doug Stapp - S/T - (2004 Progresive Arts Music)
Website - www.DougStapp.Com
Eddie Head - Producer
Website - www.HajisKitchen.Com