LOS ANGELES (AP) - PATRIOTISM: Arista Records rereleasing Whitney Houston's soaring version of "The Star-Spangled Banner," which she performed at Super Bowl XXV on January 27, 1991 and which became a unifying song for Americans during the Gulf War. The single already is on the radio, and Arista hopes to have it in record stores by next week, spokeswoman Laura Swanson said. "I think that it's something that helps pull us together and brings us together as a nation,'' Arista president Antonio "L.A.'' Reid told The Associated Press on Monday. "It was one way for us for us at Arista to say, 'Hey, we're here to help.''' Proceeds from the sale of the commercial single CD will benefit the New York Firefighters Disaster Relief Fund and the New York Fraternal Order of Police.