NEW YORK (RoadRunner Records) - Please do read the following exerpts from reviews of 3 Inches Of Blood's Advance And Vanquish release, and click on the links to read in full: "I've got absolutely NO business liking this album. By all rights, due to the Rob Halford/King Diamond-like squeals of Cam Pipes alone I shouldn't have even made it past the first song. However, a few things not only keep me listening but actually end up making this a damn fine METAL!!! album...Y'know what? Stop reading and just go get this. Oh and Roadrunner- you're almost forgiven." - DIGITAL METAL "To all the bands out there working on metal albums, just quit right now. Seriously, stop. You'll never write an album as metal as Advance and Vanquish from 3 Inches of Blood. It's like Iron Maiden meets Judas Priest meets Running Wild meets damn near anything else remotely cool in metal from the 80's. And what were the first words that popped out of my mouth as soon as this album started? Quite simply 'Fuck yes,' which immediately lead to some wicked air guitar work." - METAL REVIEW "If there is one thing that is hard to describe, it is the feeling that you get when listening to an album. I would describe "Advance And Vanquish" as a perfect heavy metal album, it should really touch you when you belong to the NWOBHM generation. Go and get it, judge for yourself but I can hardly imagine this album will disappoint you if you have real heavy metal blood running through your veins." - LORDS OF METAL
3 Inches Of Blood Advance And Vanquish in stores now...
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