Atlanta, GA (The Brison Group, Inc)- Millions of nostalgic fans crowd around the television to watch the VH-1 series "Bands Reunited" in hopes to see their favorite band perform one final time. Recently there was one more reunion to add to the list, but it wasn't caught on tape by VH-1 or MTV. It was a blast from the past for independent artist DAX who was recently reunited with frontman Dee Snider of Twisted Sister for a historical performance at the Key Club in Los Angeles, California. The two were invited onstage to perform renditions of the Twisted Sister's classics "We're Not Gonna Take It" and "I Wanna Rock" with '80s hard rock spoof band Metal Skool. The performance unveiled with a skit where Metal Skool guitarist Satchel quit the band while onstage. As the band's frontman looked to the audience for a replacement, DAX was recognized as the kid from the "We're Not Gonna Take It" video. He was pulled onstage where he picked up a guitar and played a few chords until Mark Metcalf ("Neidermeyer" in "Animal House" and "The Maestro" on "Seinfield" and the father in the original video), interrupts and berates him as he did in the video. After DAX exclaimed the cheeky phrase "I Wanna Rock," which made him famous as a kid, Dee Snider joined the group onstage for a rousing rendition of "We're Not Gonna Take It" on which DAX sang back-ups for the 1,000 fans pumping their fists. It was a night to remember for music fans. When asked if this was a prelude to future performances with the entire Twisted Sister band, DAX responds, "Anything is possible." Until that time comes, fans may check out DAX in the "We're Not Gonna Take It" video on Yahoo Music at https://music.yahoo.com/ar-267189-videos-Twisted-Sister. Discover the new EP of DAX and find out when DAX will be performing at a venue near you at www.DAX.org/pr3.html.