![](https://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:bPgrhPaZEv8C:www.hiponline.com/artist/music/r/riddle_jessica/jessicariddle.jpg) LOS ANGELES (Jessica Riddle mp3.com Webpage) - At 19, L.A.'s Jessica Riddle (now Jessica Jacobs, her married name) was signed to Hollywood Records, and toured the country with Savage Garden and BB Mak. But despite her well-known touring partners and photogenic appearance, Riddle focused more on music than fame. As a result, her new songs are available on https://www.mp3.com for free, and instead of touring nationally, she is back on the L.A. club circuit - including a date Tuesday at Genghis Cohen in Hollywood. Worth hearing: Listen the lovely, piano-based "Deserve Me".