LOS ANGELES (Catalyst Company) - Fans packed
Molly Malone's in Hollywood, CA to celebrate the release of Bernadette Moley's debut CD: "all I want." Actor/Director, Eric Stoltz, was on hand to support love interest, Bernadette Moley, whose first music video to the single "Brief Moments" features Stoltz. Eric Stoltz is the famed actor known best for his work in the feature films "
Pulp Fiction" and "Mask."
"All I want" by Bernadette Moley is a collection of 12 beautiful songs entwined with Irish influences that tell stories of her life, her friends and the emotions that color her days.
The album street date is July 13th 2004 and is available now at all music stores. On iTunes "all I want" climbed as high as No 3 on the charts with just Norah Jones and Diana Krall ahead of her.
GCG president Ian Faith declared, "This is a triumph! A wonderful record has just been launched by fans, friends, contributors and journalists. Judging by the response this evening, I am very optimistic!"
With a lottery-won U.S. visa, Bernadette bought a one-way ticket from Ireland to Los Angeles, CA, leaving behind family and friends to pursue her dream of making music. While working on her own material, she joined a band as a back-up singer, as well as working a day job as a successful animator for Disney - art being Bernadette's other great passion. Throughout her childhood she was a poetry nut, particularly drawn to the writing of W.B. Yeats, Patrick Kavanagh, and Shakespeare's sonnets.
Bernadette Moley was born and raised on a farm in Ireland, amidst seemingly endless rolling green hills; the only sound that of a small river and a dog bark every now and then.
She was drawn to music by the radio spending hours in her Dad's car, flattening the battery while listening to the likes of Bob Dylan, The Beatles and Ella Fitzgerald.