NEW YORK (Sub City Records) - Sub City Records (www.subcity.net) has announced the track listing for the newest installment in the Take Action! (www.takeactiontour.com) series, Take Action! vol. 4.
The Take Action! compilation and tour is created and organized annually by Sub City Records, an imprint of Hopeless Records. Take Action! serves as an extension of the Sub City concept of raising funds and awareness for non-profit organizations through music. The label and tour's mission is "to create a better world; one voice and one action at a time" by empowering people to make educated choices.
Once again, the artists on the comp are teaming up to support and raise funds for The National Hopeline Network (www.hopeline.com), a suicide prevention and crisis hotline network. This year proceeds will go to benefit a new feature of the Hopeline, The National Youthline Network 1-877-YOUTHLINE (968-8454) which offers a special peer-to-peer line. Over the past four years, the Take Action! tour and CD compilations have raised over $150,000.00 for this cause.
This year's compilation features unreleased, rare, and album tracks from NOFX, Taking Back Sunday, Coheed and Cambria, Against Me, Shadows Fall, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Underoath, Rufio, Pedro The Lion, and The Early November. Take Action! vol. 4 will hit the streets on October 5, 2004.
Check www.takeactiontour.com for more info on the release, the upcoming tour and some VERY special CD release parties.
Disc One
1. PSA by Andrew W.K.
2. NOFX - Concerns of a GOP Neo-Phyte (Wrong Version)
3. Squad Five-0 - Lay it Down
4. The Break - The Wolves Are At The Front Door
5. The Kicks - Radar
6. Against Me! - You Look Like I Need A Drink
7. Murder By Death - Canyon Inn, Room 16
8. Boys Night Out - I Got Punched In The Nose For
Sticking My Face In Other Peoples Business
9. Ever We Fall - Three Wires In
10. Hawthorne Heights - Ohio is for Lovers
11. Fear Before the March of Flames - Consequences David, You'll Meet
Your Fate In the Styx
12. Underoath - Reinventing Your Exit
13. Haste - Stutter
14. Shadows Fall - The Power Of I And I
15. Mastodon - March of the Fire Ants
16. Terror - Keep Your Mouth Shut
17. The Dillinger Escape Plan - Panasonic Youth
18. New Mexican Disaster Squad - You're Incorrect
19. A Wilhelm Scream - Famous Friends And Fashion Drunks
20. V.P.R. - Our Day In the Sun
21. The Briggs - All On Me
22. Go Betty Go - C'mon
Disc Two
1. Coheed and Cambria - The Crowing
2. Taking Back Sunday - Bonus Mosh Pt. II
3. Rufio - Don't Hate Me
4. Brandtson - Little Birds and Sparrows
5. Roses are Red - White and Gold
6. The Early November - Ever So Sweet
7. Mae - Embers and Envelopes
8. Hidden In Plain View - Bleed For You
9. Brazil - And So It Goes
10. Kaddisfly - Midnight in Shanghai
11. Ted Leo/The Pharmacists - Six Months In A Leaky Boat
12. Pedro the Lion - Discretion
13. Now It's Overheard - Wait In A Line
14. Melee - The War
15. ROY - Wipe that Brow
16. Detachment Kit - The Race
17. Despistado - A Stirsticks Prediction
18. The Lot Six - Autobrats
19. Communique - Perfect Weapon