YORK (www.robotsrule.com) - Robots appear to be making fresh new
inroads into the lives of people everywhere. Once relegated to research
projects or to narrow vertical industries such as manufacturing, they
have reached the tipping point and are now set to invade our very
homes. As usual, the entertainment industry proves to be the messenger
of a fresh new perspective on robots. According to Robert Oschler, webmaster for the popular RobotsRule web site at https://www.robotsrule.com/,
which provides information and video on the latest robot news, there is
a building need for public information regarding our new robot
counterparts. "The technologically inclined long have had web sites and
instructional videos to help explain the inner workings of a robot's
servos, gears, and electronics. It is now time to address the average
citizen's questions regarding robots." In a breakthrough of
miniscule proportions, two of our new small electronic citizens have
decided to make their feelings known in a two-minute rap, dance, and
exercise video. The staggering implications of this video are about to
be felt in the health, fitness, and hip-hop industries. Chrome and
Dome, two Robosapien robots with a need to be heard, have released the
first episode of their new show. Speaking for the digital duo, Dome,
had this to say, "The Chrome and Dome Show(tm) is our way of letting
the public know that we are just like them; one foot high, made of
plastic, and looking desperately to spend some quiet quality time with
a toaster." For more information and to view the video, please visit https://www.robotsrule.com/html/robot.php.